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Buying Loyalty

There’s a coffee lovers secret haven near us in the middle of a local suburban town. This shop is in the middle of an area where Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donut and Keurig abound. How they not only survive but thrive is all about personality. The personality of the location, the shop, the product, and the owners.

This little shop is a coffee roaster business set in a historic mill building next to a pictuesque pond and stream, across the street from a local farmer’s fields and farmstand. It’s charming inside and out. But their competition is fierce.

Here’s how these smart business owners stand out from the crowd.

First, their product — They buy, roast, and blend all their coffee - and it’s amazing. They sell complementary products such as high quality coffee and espresso makers, and chocolate, of course. Their coffee is freshly roasted and ground to order by the owners or their well-trained staff.

So far, so good.

Now for the quirks and creativity.

They serve free coffee. Freshly brewed, no strings attached. Smart Lead Magnet #1. Because who goes into a coffee roasters for a cup of coffee and makes it out without bringing home a pound of it?

They know their customers and engage with them on a personal level. When we go in, the conversation often turns to football because we are avid fans and they know it.

They have a vintage gumball machine on the slate counter that’s always stocked with chocolate-covered espresso beans - a handful for a quarter.

They actively expanded their sales to area local businesses, restaurants, and online consumers.

They have a very nice wine shop just beyond the roasting room, selling you evening beverage in addition to your morning coffee. You get to enjoy the roasting ambience and scents as you walk through to the wine shop. (Note: not only do they have fierce coffee competition in the area but there are large and small liquor stores everywhere.)

They offer wine and chocolate tastings every month or two, with complimentary cheese, crackers, and fruit. Smart Lead Magnet #2.

At the wine tastings, you get a discount on your quantity purchase. Love the wine? They will be sure to stock it for you and let you know when the next shipment is in when you buy their last bottle. Smart Customer Service.

They ‘buy’ loyalty by happily offering you a red punch card, and giving you a punch on it for every half-pound of coffee you purchase. When the punch card is full, you get a free pound of your choice of coffee. Smart Loyalty Program.

What’s the key? These two guys know their market well, and give their customers exactly what they want, with a creative twist.

Smart. Clever. Successful. Not bad for a small coffee roaster on a back road in a suburban town in the middle of New England.

A big shout out to for the inspiration for this article. Follow them on Instagram at @armenocoffee