Labor Day

Members of the Central Labor Union first staged a Labor Day celebration in New York City on September 5, 1882. By 1884, the holiday moved to its current spot on the first Monday of the month of September, and the idea started to spread like wildfire among American workers around the country. In 1894, the holiday got the official approval of Congress, and Labor Day has marked the end to summer ever since.
Celebrate Labor Day with a big bang. Many locales offer amazing fireworks displays to honor the holiday. Ask your friends and neighbors their take on the best spots for viewing the show. Once you’re in the know, you can pack up a picnic dinner with some cold beverages to go watch the night sky light up. Feeling a do-it-yourself spirit? Get familiar with fireworks safety precautions so that your backyard show doesn’t go up in smoke. And please be sure to check local laws in your area before purchasing or using fireworks.
You can also celebrate Labor Day with a big splash. In most areas of the country, September is still plenty hot to enjoy pool time and water games. Break out your patriotic decorations from Fourth of July and invite everyone over for a backyard cookout. Spread the labor around by encouraging guests to bring a side dish, dessert, or drinks for the festivities.
A full-time worker logs over two thousand hours a year at work. When Labor Day rolls around at the end of summer, take advantage of twenty-four hours to enjoy the fruits of your labor with family and friends. As we all know, Tuesday morning, it’s back to the grindstone!