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Why You Need Good PR for Your Small Business

“There’s no such thing as bad publicity.”

      ~ P.T. Barnum

As a small business owner, you’re good at what you do. You wouldn’t be in business for long otherwise. You know you’re good, your staff knows you’re good, but outside of your company and maybe your community, how many other people know how good you are? That’s one of the key aspects of a successful business. It’s not enough to be good. You have to let everyone else know you’re good. That’s where good PR comes in.

There is a difference between PR and advertising. With advertising, you’re paying to put a spot in your medium of choice, whether it’s online, newspaper radio or even a podcast. PR works a little bit differently. Basically you’re paying a company to generate buzz for you and to create opportunities for you to shine in front of the public. In short, advertising is to get your specific message across; PR helps you look good doing it.

PR can be a lot more effective in certain instances. Perhaps the biggest reason is that it lends you credibility. PR works through third parties like media and news outlets, making your message more believable since it was independently verified by a trusted third party, rather than purchased. People may be skeptical about a paid ad proclaiming how great you and your product are, but they’ll likely be more receptive to your message if you’re featured on their favorite morning talk show. If a trusted local reporter does a positive piece about your business, it may do more to help get your name out than a dozen ads.

It’s been said that it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. A good PR company such as can help you build long term relationships. With PR you’re not advertising directly, you’re working with key figures in the media to help communicate a positive message. You’re establishing connections that last beyond just the ad run and the marketing campaign. Establishing a good public image and communicating it through the news media is a cost-effective route improving your brand recognition and establishing your good name.

Life in business isn’t always sunshine and roses. PR can also help you when things go wrong and all the advertising in the world can’t save you. Having a good PR plan in place is essential if things go awry and you’re looking so salvage the situation.

Ultimately, the best way PR can help you is good old-fashioned word of mouth. It generates good will that no amount of money can buy. That’s the power of good PR. Give it a try and see it if it doesn’t take your marketing to new heights.