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Articles in Category: Business Strategy

How to Find Out the Truth about Your Emails

Do you remember back when our mailboxes were stuffed with holiday cards? A few of them might have been from dear old aunt Edna or your pen pal from Greece, but a lot of them were from people we barely knew. They might have been from the guy we bought a car from three years ago, or the manager of the hardware store wishing us Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas or greetings from whatever holiday was coming up. If you’re an entrepreneur trying to drum up business, you might have even sent a few of these cards yourself.

Weekly Featured Resource - Missinglettr

Featured Resource this week - Missinglettr


Publishing new blog posts but not getting the attention and traffic you need?

Missinglettr creates strategic, automatic social media campaigns that drive traffic for an entire year. Leaving you to focus on writing your next blog post.


Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Weekly Featured Resource - Swyft Mobile

Featured Resource this week - Swyft Mobile


Swyft Technology provides small and mid-market organizations with a robust suite of inexpensive, cloud-based software solutions. Swyft clients benefit from increased sales and revenues that come from the automated efficiencies and increased user productivity provided by the Swyft CRM solution.

Be sure to tell Swyft we sent you!


Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Weekly Featured Resource - XtendIn

Featured Resource this week - XtendIn

We LOVE this! XtendIn is a Google Chrome Web Browser Extension that extends ActiveCampaign / Infusionsoft / Xero Web Application Interfaces with a variety of features. (Get a 90-Day Free Trial, then inexpensive subscription - worth every penny!)

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Weekly Featured Resource - Zacaw Website Hosting

Weekly Featured Resource - Zacaw Website Hosting

Featured Resource this week - Zacaw Website Hosting

logozei 2012 landscape2

Multiple layers of hacker protection including web firewalls and VPN insulate your company’s valuable data and reputation from cybercrime. Look no further for an extremely secure and highly scalable hosting platform that’s backed by our personal support.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Persistence Can Sometimes Be ‘Your Greatest Gift’

Philip Van Doren Stern’s story The Greatest Gift starts simply enough: “The little town straggling up the hill was bright with colored Christmas lights. But George Pratt did not see them.” The holidays were anything but merry for Pratt. As far as he could tell, the town he lived in seemed to have little use for him, and neither did anyone else. Even the army, desperate for men to fill the ranks during World War II, had rejected him.

Weekly Featured Resource - Wicked Reports

Featured Resource this week - Wicked Reports

WARNING: Half Your Marketing Is Wasted.  Do You Know Which Half?  We Do.

We automatically pull data from your ad networks. We then apply over 10,000 lines of database logic to track sales revenue to specific clicks, ads, audiences, campaigns and emails (we’re the only ones who do this!).

We then translate all this data into easy to use marketing reports so you can make data-driven decisions about your business and make more money!

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Will You Be My Valentine?

Back in our school days we probably remember giving a valentine to that special someone and hoping they felt the same way about us. It might have had flowers and bows (or even snakes and snails), but it was given with love and all the sincerity in our young hearts. We were marketing ourselves even then, though we might not have known it at the time.

The Importance of Writing Down Your Quarterly Marketing Plan

You know your business inside and out, and you have a pretty good idea how to market it.  It’s your baby after all.  You know what the sales should look like and what your customers expect.  You also have a good picture of what the next few months should bring. You know where the marketing challenges are and where the greatest opportunities will come from.

If you haven’t already, now is the time to take all that great knowledge and write it down. There are several important reasons why:

Grammar Anyone?

Should you go there, their or they’re?

Should you insure or ensure something gets included?

Should you advise someone to make sure they’re receiving the best advice? Or is it the other way around?

Getting Away From the Office

You’re staring at those same four walls again. The paint is a sort of light brown color with what you think is a just a hint of pink. You wonder for the thousandth time what that color is called. The same tired spider plant is sitting on the same gray filing cabinet where it’s been since what feels like the beginning of time. When the light hits it in the afternoon, you can swear it seems to perk up. You know this because you’ve spent entirely too much time in the office.

How Do You Network?

Even before we’ve gone into business, we’re taught about the importance of networking.  “Who you know is just as important as what you know,” you’ll hear. 

They’re right, too. 

Q1 is Right around the Corner

Grab the bull by the horns.

Put your shoulder to the wheel.

Keep your eyes on the prize.

Whatever cliché you might want to use, the bottom line is that it’ll soon be time to begin a brand new Q1 and you need to be ready to… well, jump in head first. Here are some steps you can take:

Happy Holidays from the Future!

When we think of the holidays, we often find ourselves reminiscing on the past, while the only future we consider is that “there are ‘X’ number of shopping days till Christmas”. But according to many scientists, our Christmases Yet-to-Come promise some amazing new wonders. Let’s look at the predictions that could be coming true in the next ten years: