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Marketing Matters & More Blog
Business insights, lifestyle tweaks, and the whimsical!


Foiling Spammers - Best Email Practices

Foiling Spammers - Best Email Practices

How many times have you complained to someone that you did not receive the email they claim to have sent, only to discover it arrived in your junk mail folder? Or you have repeatedly requested information from someone, and they finally respond that their email filter thought it was spam? And how often have you opened your email only to find that same dreaded spam?

These situations can cause more problems than just being aggravating. They waste time and cause miscommunications and hard feelings. In short, they cause you to lose time and money. These are not things you want customers and clients to associate with you and your business.

Here are some things you may want to consider:

Counting Calories or Counting Fat

Counting Calories or Counting Fat

If you’ve ever tried reading the nutrition label on something you’re about to buy, then you know it can be confusing. What is really healthy for you and what isn’t? Should you worry more about calorie count or fat content?

It depends on what your goals are. If pure weight loss is your aim, you’ll want to pay more attention to calorie count. If you’re trying to reduce your cholesterol, then the fat content of your food may be more important. 

3 Tips for Getting a Good Night of Sleep

3 Tips for Getting a Good Night of Sleep

You’ve tossed and turned all night. As you start out the next morning, you have only to rub your tired eyes to know the importance of getting a good night’s sleep. Sometimes it’s easier said than done, however. Here are some tips to help you get the rest you need:

Set a regular schedule. Most people have a natural waking/sleeping pattern called the Circadian Rhythm. The more in tune you are with your body’s natural sleep schedule, the more energized and refreshed you’ll feel. When the body is in rhythm, it can make better use of the time it has to rest.

Labor Day

Labor Day

Members of the Central Labor Union first staged a Labor Day celebration in New York City on September 5, 1882. By 1884, the holiday moved to its current spot on the first Monday of the month of September, and the idea started to spread like wildfire among American workers around the country. In 1894, the holiday got the official approval of Congress, and Labor Day has marked the end to summer ever since. 

The Value of Old-Fashioned, Real-Time Note-taking

The Value of Old-Fashioned, Real-Time Note-taking

Nope, you’re not in school anymore. But note-taking is still an extremely valuable skill to practice on a regular basis!

Well-known avid note-takers include Thomas Edison, Bill Gates, George Lucas, Tim Ferriss, Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, Pablo Picasso, J.K. Rowling, Bruce Springsteen, Sheryl Sandberg, and Aaron Sorkin. So, if you aspire to be like any of the names listed above (or just more successful in your chosen career), it’s time to sharpen those skills!

Back to School Shopping

Back to School Shopping

Remember the back-to-school ad with parents frolicking through a store followed by their unhappy children, while the song, "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" is playing? Cute commercial, but for parents on a tight budget, back-to-school shopping can be anything but wonderful. Read on for some ways to keep your spending under control.

Apps for Learning Better Communication Skills

Apps for Learning Better Communication Skills

Communication skills are essential for being successful in your personal and professional life; and luckily for us, there are several apps and browser extensions now available to help us learn better communication skills.

Apps for Public Speaking

It is believed that up to 75 percent of the population has some varying degree of fear speaking in public. However, there are now several apps on the market to help us improve our public speaking skills and build confidence, including:

The Relief of Hosting Your Website Securely

The Relief of Hosting Your Website Securely

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an extraordinary amount of upheaval in our lives. There have been layoffs and closures, shortages in supplies, and in many cases a disruption of the entire supply chain. That much uncertainty brings with it the unpleasant knowledge that your company can be a very fragile thing. One area that may have found your business, or another small business you know of, is cybercrime. Cybercrime has been shown to be up 600% due to the pandemic.

We’ve all heard about the big companies being hacked—it’s the little guys that don’t get the headlines. Zacaw recognizes that, as a small-to-medium-sized business, you need exactly what the big guys need. That's why we partnered with Netsonic, a veteran-owned, fully cloud-based company for security and reliability, to provide secure managed hosting services for the small business.

Secure Managed Website Hosting

 Zacaw Website Hosting

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Secure Managed 
Website Hosting 

Multiple layers of hacker protection including anti-sniffing, anti-spoofing firewall and intrusion detection protect your company’s valuable data and reputation. Look no further for an extremely secure and highly scalable hosting platform backed by our personal support.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.



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Royalty-free Stock Photos, Vector Images, and Videos

In a library of 176 million files, you'll always find what you need. Discover a stock photography website with high-quality, Royalty-free stock images, high-definition footage, and thematic collections for all your creative projects. We're trusted by leading international companies that turn to our library for visuals.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.

Enjoy Summer Produce

Enjoy Summer Produce

Are you getting your daily servings of fruits and vegetables? You can usually find delicious local produce during the summer months. Make healthy eating child’s play with these fun activities.

Have a picnic at a farmer’s market. Local markets offer an amazing variety of produce and other homemade products. Find a farmer’s market near your home and turn an ordinary afternoon into a scavenger hunt for nutritious and delicious food. Make silly games out of trying new foods. For example, is it possible to make a whole meal from foods of only one color?  Or can you find a different food for every letter of the alphabet? When the shopping is done, find a place to spread out a blanket and gobble up the freshest food of summer.  

Apps to Improve Memory and Concentration

Apps to Improve Memory and Concentration

As we age, our memory and ability to concentrate will naturally decline. Additionally, there are common health problems and obstacles that we face throughout our life that can contribute to a sudden decline in these skills. These problems include trouble sleeping/insufficient sleep, sleep apnea, stroke, depression, anxiety, stress, and nutritional deficiencies. Medications can also contribute to these issues, as well.