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Marketing Matters & More Blog
Business insights, lifestyle tweaks, and the whimsical!


The Best Antioxidant Foods and Why You Need Them

The Best Antioxidant Foods and Why You Need Them

If you've been reading any articles about improving your health, you've no doubt come across the topic of antioxidants and how they prevent free radical damage to your body. If you're unfamiliar with what free radicals are, there is a well-written explanation in this article. Basically free radicals cause damage to your cells by “stealing” from other healthy cells. Your immune system sometimes creates and uses free radicals to neutralize viruses and bacteria, but they can also cause damage to your cells, leading to serious health conditions such as cancer and heart disease.

The Facts About Masks

By now you probably seen more masks than at any point since Halloween. You’ve seen practical masks, homemade masks and scarves and bandanas converted into masks. Some of them are brilliantly designed, a tribute to the creativity and resourcefulness of their wearers. Others look like they were cobbled together out of leftover pieces from Doctor Frankenstein’s laboratory. Whatever their construction, they’re all intended for the same purpose: to keep someone from getting infected and to prevent their passing on that infection to others.

What’s the ‘Public Domain’ and How Can I Use It in My Business?

What’s the ‘Public Domain’ and How Can I Use It in My Business?

Public domain is a phrase commonly used to describe content that is not protected by U.S. copyright law and may be used freely, without obtaining permission from, or compensating, the creator or copyright owner. Interestingly, the term “public domain” is not used in the U.S. Copyright Act.

The criteria for works to enter the public domain is fairly simple. Content may not be protected under copyright law, and therefore be in the public domain, for any of the following reasons:

Hygiene for Your Business and Your Customers

We all know the importance of hygiene in personal interactions. Since you want to put your best foot forward in any professional situation, hygiene is even more important when you’re running a business. You want to be neat, clean and presentable, and your surroundings such as your office should also reflect a professional image. It goes without saying that hygiene just makes good business sense. 

In this age of the coronavirus, there’s another, more fundamental, reason for good hygiene. You don’t want to get sick, and you don’t want your customers getting sick. Good hygiene may not completely prevent coronavirus, but it can go a long way to making sure both you and your customers are safe. 

Offload & clone yourself

We are all always looking for ways to become more productive. Add to that making those ways easy to implement and not require you to turn your daily world upside down. Here is one that made a huge difference for us and our business.

Let me start this by saying being interrupt driven is about the most unproductive way you can be. 

CBD as a Business? What to Know

CBD as a Business? What to Know

The CBD market is literally exploding. In fact, a report by BDS Analytics and Arcview Market Research projects that CBD market sales in the United States will exceed $20 billion by 2024.

Have you ever considered getting into the business? Here’s what you need to know:

Inspiring Senior Entrepreneurs

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. Of course, anyone who says that probably hasn’t spent too much time around old dogs. You’d be surprised what new tricks their canine brains are capable of. The same might have been said of Anna Mary Robertson Moses, later known by her famous nickname of Grandma Moses. She had spent her life working as a housekeeper and on farms. While she always had an appreciation for art, it wasn’t until the age of 78 that she began painting in earnest. Since then her work has been shown and sold in the U.S. and elsewhere. In fact, in 2006, one of her paintings sold for over a million dollars. You’re never too old to try something new.

Inspiring Young Entrepreneurs

It seems crazy to think, but there are plenty of millionaires out there who are still under 25. Some of them are musicians and athletes, of course, but a great many of them are just successful businesspeople with drive and some great ideas.

Many child entrepreneurs start businesses to help others, whether it’s to provide money for charities, or to provide a product or service where they see a need. For example, Brandon and Sebastian Martinez are two typical brothers, except for the fact that they’re passionate about socks. Yes, socks- the thing most kids groan about when they get them for Christmas. The Martinez brothers founded Are You Kidding Socks and use colorful and fun sock designs to generate money and raise awareness for local and national charities including Stand Up To Cancer, JDRF, Autism Speaks and others. 

Easy Ways to Interact with Clients Virtually

The advent of the novel coronavirus caught many people by surprise. Faced with an epidemic, the likes of which hadn’t been seen in a century, smart businesses adapted their methods to take advantage of the technology available to them. What was already a growing trend towards working from home, quickly accelerated. Today’s technology easily allows for virtual meetings and collaboration from multiple people scattered across the country and the globe.

The Art of Listening

The Art of Listening

“Did you even hear me?” your exasperated friend says to you.

Sure,” you say, inwardly hoping they don’t ask you for feedback.

The truth is you heard every word that came out of their mouth, but you didn’t listen to any of it. 

Listening is more than just your ears taking in the sounds someone makes to you. It is absorbing the full meaning of what someone else is saying. The best listeners also take in clues from the speaker’s body language and the context in which it’s being delivered.

5 Powerful Women in Business Today

5 Powerful Women in Business Today

Henry Ford. Warren Buffett. Steve Jobs. Mark Zuckerberg. Elon Musk. Powerful businessmen have been, and still are, talked about on a daily basis. But what about the women? More and more women are starting businesses and leading established, well-known global organizations than ever before. We thought it was time you learned about a few of them. Here are five powerful businesswomen who are paving the way for the generations of women who follow:

Inspiring Entrepreneurs: Men

While male entrepreneurs may have some advantages other their female counterparts, it doesn’t mean that success is assured. To start a successful business, you have to come up with a great idea; that’s Entrepreneurship 101, right?  As you might guess, it’s often easier said than done. What do you do if you can’t come up with something original?  What if someone else already had the great idea you wish YOU had?  One way is to make that great idea better. 

Being an entrepreneur means you have to adapt. In Dan Hermann’s case it meant taking an existing idea out for a new spin. Hermann and his friend Sean McGrail helped turn paint night, or Paint Nite, into a national phenomenon. They weren’t the first to come up with organized painting and drinking parties. Far from it. But instead of using the franchise models that others used, they instead licensed artists. For a cut of the ticket price, artists would book the venues, create the pictures and oversee the events. By 2015 Paint Nite was operating in 115 cities around the world. 


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Green Therapy

Green Therapy

Spending time outside and enjoying the fresh air is always a good idea for staying both mentally and physically healthy. But these days, with most of us still being sheltered-in-place, it’s more important than ever to make sure to get some green therapy. There are several health benefits that come along with spending time outside, including:

Ergonomics of the Home Office

Ergonomics of the Home Office

Do you have a twinge in your neck that just won’t go away?

Has your back been sore for the last couple months?

It may be caused by your new work arrangements.

Many of us are now working from home in an effort to safeguard public health, however, this change may actually be detrimental to our bodies. Implementing ergonomic solutions will prevent musculoskeletal system damage and allow you to feel better and work more productively.