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Marketing Matters & More Blog
Business insights, lifestyle tweaks, and the whimsical!


Ergonomics and What it Can Do for Your Back Pain

Ergonomics and What it Can Do for Your Back Pain

Does your back, neck or wrist hurt? You are not alone. Approximately $1 billion is spent in the United States per week on the effects of work-related musculoskeletal disorders.

But working a desk job shouldn’t—and doesn’t have to—leave you in pain. With a few easy changes, you can make your office ergonomically correct—adjusted to suit your body—and reduce or eliminate those aches and pains.

Spelling Counts in Copywriting

Spelling Counts in Copywriting

Good copy is written for a specific audience—meaning, in a way that is relatable to those you are trying to attract. Often, this means writing in a colloquial manner, or in a way that reflects how your audience speaks, rather than adhering to formal English rules. But remember: Casual is not a synonym for incorrect. While it’s important to connect with your audience, it is essential to do so in a way that does not take a hit to your credibility.

Creative Marketing Approaches: Using Humor

If you’re a football fan, you watch the Super Bowl for the game. Everyone else watches for the commercials. The ads are expensive. For this year’s game, a thirty-second spot could cost as much as $10 million. Do these high-dollar advertisers get a good return on their investment? It depends on who you ask. Like ads everywhere else, there are some Super Bowl commercials that blandly blend into the woodwork and others that are talked about for years. One of the best ways these little bits of marketing legerdemain can stand out is through the use of humor. Whether it’s Bud Light’s Bud Knight, singing frogs or a colorful Pepsi extravaganza, it’s the funny ones that everyone remembers.


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Don’t Pass Up These Roots!

Don’t Pass Up These Roots!

If you’re trying to eat healthy, you know that you need to eat more vegetables— but what kind? They’re not all created equal, after all. For some variety in your diet, why not try root vegetables? No, we don’t mean tree roots. Root vegetables include such family staples as carrots, potatoes, yams, and beets, but it doesn’t stop there. There’s a whole cornucopia of flavors grown beneath the ground:

Connecting With Your Customers: List Hygiene Techniques

Somewhere along the line we’ve all had the experience of being uncomfortably near someone who’s, shall we say… not so fresh. Whether that person is coming from a long day at a dirty, sweaty job or simply hasn’t bothered to invest in even the barest level of soap technology, the effect is the same. The last thing you want is for your email list to resemble these unfortunate souls. No, you want it showered and fresh and ready to face the day. 

So how do you keep your email list smelling like a rose? In practical terms, email list hygiene means making sure that every address on your list is active and deliverable. If they’re not, you’ll need to purge them in order to reduce your risk of spam traps and other digital maladies. 

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Before now, mobile marketing was severely limited. You could only send a single text in response to a single incoming text message. This caused people using mobile marketing to settle for less than effective marketing strategies.

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Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.

5 Things to Know About Writing a Sales Letter

5 Things to Know About Writing a Sales Letter

Contrary to popular belief, marketing involves much more than setting up a Facebook page, renting a billboard and running a few ads. Another valuable marketing tool that you can employ in your business is the sales letter. If you’re not familiar with the idea, think of it as a paper salesman. The purpose is to convince your audience to purchase a good or service.

Creative Marketing Approaches: Using Unusual Holidays

Holidays are tailor-made for great marketing. A lot of the work is already done. Every holiday already has its own history, theme, tone and often color scheme. Valentine’s Day is about romance, and its color is deep red. Halloween is about scary things, and its colors are orange and black. Red and green together practically scream Christmas. The list goes on. 

It all sounds great, but what do you do if there isn’t a handy holiday that coincides with your upcoming marketing campaign? Not to worry. There are plenty of holidays. You just have to find them.

5 Things to Know About Writing a Nurture Email

5 Things to Know About Writing a Nurture Email

study conducted last spring showed that 40-70 percent of qualified leads are not ready to make a purchase. So, what is the best way to keep those leads engaged until they are ready to buy? An email nurture campaign!

Nurture emails are valuable tools that you can utilize to encourage leads to move down your sales funnel towards making a purchase. The goal of a nurture email is to educate leads on the value of your company and the products or services that you sell. 

Benjamin and Stephen (and me) on Creating a Culture of World-Class Customer Service

Benjamin and Stephen (and me) on Creating a Culture of World-Class Customer Service

Recently I called the billing office of my healthcare provider about a bill I should not have received. They quickly tossed me to the Billing Investigation department where the woman I spoke with was condescending and repeatedly insisted it was all my fault

The fact that the charges had been coded incorrectly (by their office) was somehow my fault because I didn’t call my insurance company prior to my routine doctor’s visit to verify coverage. Really??

Connecting With Your Customer: Speaking Their Language

Have you ever seen a college professor give a lecture? Some of them are riveting, but many others turn out to be dry and boring. The professor is probably highly qualified. They wouldn’t be lecturing otherwise. They’re probably passionate about the subject matter, too. Yet despite your best intentions, you end up tuning them out. A chance to gain knowledge from an expert in his or her field turns into an exercise in trying to stay awake. 

Why? Maybe it’s not the message, but how it’s being delivered. Business is ultimately about communication and how effectively you communicate will go a long way in determining how effective your business is. The most basic communication model looks like this:

4 Basic Tips for Healthy Eating

4 Basic Tips for Healthy Eating

Do you read ingredient labels? Polydimethylsiloxane, Propylene glycol, Azodicarbonamide, etc. The list goes on and on. You’re not sure exactly what they are, but it’s a pretty safe bet some of them shouldn't be part of a healthy diet. 

If you’re like many people who want to avoid eating things they can’t pronounce, here are 4 tips to help you live and eat better:

How to Choose a New Logo

How to Choose a New Logo

A logo is an integral piece of your brand and will dictate how anaudience perceives your company, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed at the thought of choosing a design, it’s okay. This is an important decision. Your logo needs to clearly communicate the personality of your company—the best logos will actually become synonymous with your brand name—think McDonalds, Nike and Twitter.

That’s why we created the following guide to get you started and hopefully make the processof choosing your logo a little bit easier.