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Marketing Matters & More Blog
Business insights, lifestyle tweaks, and the whimsical!


The Value of Giving

At some point you’ve probably sat beside someone who’s complaining about the news. The complaint usually goes something like: “It’s always war and death and tragedy!” Maybe you agreed with them or maybe you just rolled your eyes. It does sometimes seem like the complainer has a point though. Why can’t they just print something happy? Well, there’s a way to change that negative narrative, at least in a small way. That’s just one small example of the value of community service.

How Do You Give Back?

“Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.”

              ~ Sherry Anderson

As a business owner, how do you give back? As the leader of a company, you know the value community service can have for your organization. As a person, you know that nothing beats the feeling of having made your community a better place to live. The problem many business owners face is how to give back. Tight budgets often mean we can’t be as generous as we’d like.

Weekly Featured Resource - Time Fusion

Featured Resource this week - Time Fusion

Automate Your Appointments

Are you using TimeTrade or Full Slate to give your clients online access for setting appointments with you? If not, you should be!

TimeFusion integrates Infusionsoft with TimeTrade and Full Slate to automate your appointment scheduling!

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Weekly Featured Resource - No BS Inner Circle

Featured Resource this week -

With founder Dan Kennedy, known as the "Millionaire Maker", Glazer-Kennedy Insider's Circle (GKIC) helps people in every imaginable kind of business grow your income as fast as possible and move away from being a slave to your business to being a master of it. Gain FULL control of your business, more freedom, & more and faster achievement and…

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.

Holidays Are Coming – Is Your Marketing Ready?

As back-to-school items fly off the shelves, they’ll be replaced by Halloween décor, Thanksgiving essentials, and finally, a Christmas/Hanukkah/New Year’s explosion. The holidays are coming, whether you are ready or not. And even if you’re not ready, your marketing plans need to be. Here are a few tips to get you started now:

Plan early.

This is the golden rule of holiday marketing. Dedicate your summer to your Q4 marketing plan and solidify your strategy now. Advertising becomes more expensive and more competitive during the holiday season, so preparing ahead of time is key.  

Time is Getting Short to Finalize Your Q4 Plan

“I love it when a plan comes together.”

       ~ Hannibal, from the A-Team TV show

Yes, there’s nothing like the feeling of having a plan. A good plan helps you sleep at night and provides a sense of security. Sure, you can wing it, but why would you? A plan can give you hope, but hope is not a plan. With Q4 rapidly approaching, is your plan ready?

6 Things You Must Include In Your Q4 Plan

The calendar year may be slowly winding down, but that doesn’t mean your business is. Your year has probably seen its share of ups and downs, where certain aspects of the plans you laid out back in January have exceeded your wildest expectations, while other things… well, they didn’t quite go the way you imagined.

Now that Q4 is drawing near, you’ll want to finish the year strong. How will you do that? You need a plan. More specifically, you need a great one that includes certain key elements.

Weekly Featured Resource - TurboDial

Featured Resource this week - TurboDial

This Personal Communicator brings the Power of Infusionsoft to your Inside Sales Campaigns!

With turboDial you never leave Infusionsoft – place a phone call to any contact at any time right from MyDay, from a saved search or from contact and opportunity records!

Plan your calls in advance or make them spontaneously – turboDial is the only solution effective for both

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Do You Video? No? Why Not?

Do You Video? No? Why Not?

Did you know that including a video on a landing page can increase conversion by 80 percent? Or that 55 percent of people watch videos online every day? We’re in a video marketing revolution, and if you haven’t joined in yet, you should… and quickly! Here are just a few more reasons why you need to get into the video marketing game now:

Appeal to all ages.

Members of Generation Z aren’t the only ones watching videos online. Millennials, Gen Y and Baby Boomers are also seeking out quality video content from the businesses they purchase from.

When Do You Work ON Your Business?

Details matter. Each small thing may not make or break a product or service, but taken together they can add up to a measurable improvement in quality. While focusing on the details is great, sometimes obsessing about the details means we lose sight of the overall picture. We’re so busy focusing on working IN our business that we forget to work ON our business.

Take a Quick Vacation for Balance

You’ve probably heard the old expression about all work and no play making you a dull boy or girl. It sounds all well and good, but all the play in the world won’t reduce that stack of work that’s piling up on your desk. It won’t make that deadline go away or miraculously add more hours to an already full day. No, you’ll need to keep your nose to the proverbial grindstone if you want to get ahead. Then suddenly you realize you’ve become an obsessive, grouchy shell of your formerly cheerful self.

Weekly Featured Resource - Digital Product Delivery

Featured Resource this week - Digital Product Delivery

Digital Publishing for eBooks and Downloads

DPD is an easy to use digital publishing platform for selling and delivering downloadable content. Upload your products to DPD and start selling in minutes. With DPD, all sales are paid directly to you with no per-sale fees, bandwidth charges, or commissions.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


How Making a Pie is Like Starting a Business

Nope, you’re not seeing things and we’re not crazy. Making a pie is just like starting a business and we’re going to explain how:

Determine the need for pie.

When you decide to make a pie, it’s because you’ve determined that there’s a need for a pie. Maybe it’s Thanksgiving or another special occasion, or maybe your child or spouse just REALLY wants one. The same applies when you decide to start a business: you’ve determined that there’s a need for the product or service that you’ll be offering and you commit to doing something about it.