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Marketing Matters & More Blog
Business insights, lifestyle tweaks, and the whimsical!


Are you writing content?

Are you writing content?

It doesn’t matter if you are B2B or B2C, you are generating content even if it’s ad hoc emails you send to your list. Ideally, you are generating content to provide tons of value to your clients/customers and prospects. Need an expert in your corner?

I’ve been following the Content Marketing Institute emails and blog for a long time. The content they deliver is high value, high integrity, highly focused, and worth every minute you spend reading it.

Mardi Gras from a Business Viewpoint

 Christmas and New Year’s Day have come and gone, and with them, the color, the celebration and the good feelings seem like they’ve gone as well. Now there is an endless stream of gloomy winter days in front of you.

If the winter doldrums are getting to you, maybe it’s time to consider closing up shop and getting away to the country’s biggest party this side of New Year’s Eve— that’s right, we mean Mardi Gras. Sounds great, right?

If only.

Reward Your Best Customers

“There’s a big difference between a satisfied customer and a loyal one.”

    —Shep Hyken

When a customer walks out the door, we hope they’re satisfied that they received good value for their purchase price and that they’ll be coming back. It’s the basic goal of any business.

However, if your business is going to thrive, you need more than that. You want them walking out the door so delighted with your company that they’ll tell their family and friends about you and praise you to the skies in online reviews. It’s the kind of hidden advertising money can’t buy. 

Weekly Featured Resource - Call Monitoring with Infusionsoft

Featured Resource this week - Call Monitoring with Infusionsoft

Call Monitoring Integrated With Infusionsoft!

Novice marketers focus on getting the lead, but experienced marketers know that the job is only done when dollars exchange hands. You can cut the cost of generating a sale by 50% or more when you monitor and track how well incoming calls are being handled.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Weekly Featured Resource - Copy Doodles

Weekly Featured Resource - Copy Doodles

Featured Resource this week - Copy Doodles

Handwriting and hand-drawn enhancements have been used for years in advertising and marketing because they are a proven way to grab attention and increase response and readability. There is NOTHING out there that matches the quality, expertise and level of support you get when you become a CopyDoodles member.  Their extensive library of direct-response marketing graphics features thousands of hand-drawn CopyDoodles, which can be easily downloaded to your computer and placed on any of the online or offline marketing pieces you are working on in a snap.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Unstoppable Business

Unstoppable Business

There are many good reasons for having more than one Infusionsoft application in your business. We’ll talk about some of them.

I can hear you now, “I can barely maintain my one app!” I get it! We are always dealing with several apps at a time for our clients and sometimes it feels like there is always something to do or some tweak to make over here or over there.

The Wild Importance of Wildly Important Goals

If you’ve ever done any sort of swimming, you know the difference between diving and a belly flop. With a dive, you punch crisply through the surface of the water. With a belly flop, there is that painful, gut-wrenching slap when you (or hopefully some other braver soul) find out that water doesn’t yield nearly as much as you thought. The reason for the difference is that water has a surprisingly high surface tension, and by spreading yourself out, as in a belly flop, there’s not enough momentum at any one point to overcome that surface tension.

You can spread yourself too thinly with your business too, and find that the beginning of the year has turned into one painful belly flop.

What's Trending on Twitter for Business?

 “To improve is to change. To be perfect is to change often.”

 -Winston Churchill

In the modern world of business, things seem to change about as fast as the cloud patterns on one of those time-lapse photography segments. With that in mind, what changes are trending on Twitter that may affect your business for 2017?

Weekly Featured Resource - XtendIn

Featured Resource this week - XtendIn

We LOVE this! XtendIn is a Google Chrome Web Browser Extension that extends ActiveCampaign / Infusionsoft / Xero Web Application Interfaces with a variety of features. (Get a 90-Day Free Trial, then inexpensive subscription - worth every penny!)

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


On the Holiday Coattails

On the Holiday Coattails

Want an idea to swipe for your February marketing? Check out the article in this issue entitled, “Skip the Chocolate?” for a couple of killer ideas on using Valentine’s Day in your marketing.

For more info on the two companies highlighted, check out Tommy John and Smiling Dog Pet Services blog. You can’t borrow their stuff word-for-word (aka plagiarize, aka copyright infringement) but you can use the general concept and translate it for your unrelated business.

Hearts and Flowers: Creative Ways to Use Valentine’s Day in Your Marketing

Are you sentimental about Valentine's Day? Do you get a little misty-eyed when you think about spending time with a sweetheart? Or maybe it’s the romantic dinner, the cards and the flowers? You know - the whole mushy thing?

Or are you the more pragmatic type? Do you see the holiday as a money-maker for the greeting card guys, and are mostly excited to see the chocolate go on sale February 15th?

If you’re a business owner, it pays to be a little bit of both.

The Value of Conferences and Seminars

No matter what business you’re in, whether you know it or not, you’re also in the business of learning. Even if you’re an experienced pro who’s ‘been there, done that and have the t-shirt to prove it’, there are still plenty of things you might not know. And even if you did somehow know everything about your chosen industry, things change. 

Why go?

Taxes down, revenue up!

Taxes down, revenue up!

Well, it is only a few days until we inaugurate Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States. I don’t know where you stand, but I think that it going to be great having Mr. Trump as our President. Only time will tell. But let’s not waste it!

However, regardless of your feelings about President-elect Trump, I think that we can all agree that there will some significant changes from the past administration. We should have a much more pro-business atmosphere in this country with less pressure from the government on businesses. The way that this may be felt the most is the promised corporate and personal tax cuts.