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Articles in Category: Business Strategy

Making a successful membership site

What do your members want?

It is important to deliver what your members want, NOT what they need. Hang in there with me and I’ll explain.

Over the course of this series we have discussed why you should have a membership site, how you might structure it, mistakes to avoid and some specific usage scenarios of membership sites. However, if your site is not successful, none of that matters.

Cash in on the Power of Infographics

Viewing data used to be boring. Not anymore, thanks to the infographic.

It seems you can’t venture onto the Internet these days without running across one of these handy little aids. Whether it’s how to properly wash your dog or the keys steps to accurately installing the latest version of Adobe Photoshop, you can bet that somewhere out there is an infographic.

So how do you make use of these tools that Internet geniuses seemingly whip out of thin air, and more importantly: how do you make your own?

Weekly Featured Resource - Call Monitoring with Infusionsoft

Featured Resource this week - Call Monitoring with Infusionsoft

Call Monitoring Integrated With Infusionsoft!

Novice marketers focus on getting the lead, but experienced marketers know that the job is only done when dollars exchange hands. You can cut the cost of generating a sale by 50% or more when you monitor and track how well incoming calls are being handled.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Are you watching? Social Media Trends for Business

The business world is constantly changing. (Surprise!)

Just when you think you’ve got a handle on it, some new piece of technology or some new method of doing things comes along and turns the whole thing upside down. For example, who knew, five years ago, that Facebook Ads would be all the rage now and that Instagram would be following in their footsteps? (Actually, Instagram was a fledgling platform 5 years ago - just another new place to post photos for your friends.)

Working ‘On’ Your Business vs. Working ‘In’ Your Business

Let's eat, Grandma!

Let's eat Grandma!

Language is a funny thing. Only a simple comma separates a cozy dining experience from a cannibalistic feast. Good thing for Grandma that little punctuation mark is there.

Now consider another example: working 'in' your business versus working 'on' your business. Again, the difference is small -just one letter. But that one letter can mean a lot to your business.

Weekly Featured Resource - SMS Conversations

Featured Resource this week -

Change the RULES of Mobile Marketing.

Before now, mobile marketing was severely limited. You could only send a single text in response to a single incoming text message. This caused people using mobile marketing to settle for less than effective marketing strategies.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.

Weekly Featured Resource - SMS - Infusionsoft Integration

Featured Resource this week -

Change the RULES of Mobile Marketing.

Before now, mobile marketing was severely limited. You could only send a single text in response to a single incoming text message. This caused people using mobile marketing to settle for less than effective marketing strategies.

Try Automated SMS for Only $1!

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.

9 Things You Should Eat For Creativity

We’ve all heard about brain foods, and have probably seen some ad for a great new diet that will raise your IQ tenfold. In reality, all these new diets do is raise the creator’s revenue tenfold from book sales or TV appearances.

You really can’t chew your way to being the next Albert Einstein, no matter what they say. But that doesn’t mean you should give up hope. Studies have shown a strong link between certain foods and improved memory and concentration. Here are just a few:

Weekly Featured Resource - Copy Doodles

Weekly Featured Resource - Copy Doodles

Featured Resource this week - Copy Doodles

Handwriting and hand-drawn enhancements have been used for years in advertising and marketing because they are a proven way to grab attention and increase response and readability. There is NOTHING out there that matches the quality, expertise and level of support you get when you become a CopyDoodles member.  Their extensive library of direct-response marketing graphics features thousands of hand-drawn CopyDoodles, which can be easily downloaded to your computer and placed on any of the online or offline marketing pieces you are working on in a snap.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


A Staff Retreat —is it Right for You?

In a 1990's edition of the comic strip Dilbert, the Pointy-Haired Boss announces he's going off to a 4-star hotel for a two week management retreat. Needless to say, his staff isn't impressed. The strip hints at the underlying feelings many people have about corporate retreats: expensive wastes of time where executives practice silly exercises like trust falls and rope challenges, all the while gorging themselves on exotic foods in some tropical paradise.

It doesn't have to be that way.

Properly planned and executed, a staff retreat can provide a wonderful vehicle to re-energize yourself or your team, encourage cooperation across different departments and strengthen internal bonds.

Tax Filing Time — Last Minute Tips for Procrastinators

“Never put off till tomorrow what can be put off until the day after tomorrow.”
“Me?  A procrastinator?  I’ll prove you wrong, just you wait and see.”

Do any of these quotes sound like you, when it comes to doing your taxes?  Like the tide, you can sense the filing deadline washing inevitably towards you, yet you still haven’t gotten them started.  Don’t worry: you’re not alone. The last day of tax season is also one of the busiest. If you’re the type that likes to put everything together at the last minute, here are some tips to help:

Revisiting Your Goals

Since we were children, we’ve been taught about the importance of goals.

We set them, achieve them and work towards them. Sometimes, like the plants in our homes or offices, we conveniently forget about them, or at other times, we lose sight of them in the shuffle of our daily lives. But if our goals are to bear fruit, we need to occasionally remember to turn to towards the light or water them.