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Articles in Category: Insights

Staying Afloat During a Worldwide Pandemic

Staying Afloat During a Worldwide Pandemic

COVID-19 is officially in all 50 of the United States and Governors are shutting down more and more non-essential businesses in an effort to slow the spread of this novel disease. 

But we probably didn’t have to tell you that.

As a small business owner, you’re likely following the latest news updates and worrying about the effect it will have on both your business and personal finances. 

We get it. We’re a small business, too.



The Best-Selling Live Chat Software for Small Business

Live chat and visitor tracking software has never been easier.

Close More Saleswith simple live chat software

  • Provide instant answers on your website and see visitor history.
  • See who’s on your website in real-time and start a conversation.
  • See chat metrics over time and track customer satisfaction.
  • Record every conversation and share them with your team.


Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Coronavirus: Working on your business

As nonessential businesses close down across the world, more and more small business owners are left with significantly more time on their hands. However, just because your business isn’t open and running as usual, doesn’t mean you can’t use this time to set it up for success once the current health crisis has resolved.

We’ve compiled a list of things that you can do right now to stay productive and accelerate growth once life goes back to normal:

Creative Mayhem for April Fools’ Day

Creative Mayhem for April Fools’ Day

The electric hand buzzer, the camera that shoots water when you go in for that special ‘close-up’ or convincing your kids it’s really Sunday when the calendar says Thursday: these are just a few of the tools available to you on the world’s most mischievous day of the year.

ROI on steroids with Wicked Reports

ROI on steroids with Wicked Reports

Have you ever stopped running a campaign that generated a lot of leads, but no revenue? If you are like most marketers, we are constantly evaluating campaign effectiveness and if we cannot report revenue we think it is not working.

Ergonomics and What it Can Do for Your Back Pain

Ergonomics and What it Can Do for Your Back Pain

Does your back, neck or wrist hurt? You are not alone. Approximately $1 billion is spent in the United States per week on the effects of work-related musculoskeletal disorders.

But working a desk job shouldn’t—and doesn’t have to—leave you in pain. With a few easy changes, you can make your office ergonomically correct—adjusted to suit your body—and reduce or eliminate those aches and pains.

Spelling Counts in Copywriting

Spelling Counts in Copywriting

Good copy is written for a specific audience—meaning, in a way that is relatable to those you are trying to attract. Often, this means writing in a colloquial manner, or in a way that reflects how your audience speaks, rather than adhering to formal English rules. But remember: Casual is not a synonym for incorrect. While it’s important to connect with your audience, it is essential to do so in a way that does not take a hit to your credibility.

Do You Text Your Customers and Prospects? What to Know About Complying with the Law

Do You Text Your Customers and Prospects? What to Know About Complying with the Law

According to a study by Asurion, Americans check their phones 96 times per day—or at least once every 10 minutes. So, it’s no surprise that text message open rates are at 98 percent. 

That’s right, 98 percent!

Compare that to email marketing’s 20 percent open rate…

If you’re not already using text message marketing, you’re considering it now, right?

Getting the Right Nutrition

Getting the Right Nutrition

We're all aware of the tendency to overindulge our stomachs during the holidays, but what about the rest of the year, and especially now that we are quarantined? Is there something more we could be doing with our normal diet given our current circumstances?

Being home all day, whether it’s newly homeschooling or teleworking, who has time to cook? The good news is there are plenty of quick tricks you can adapt in the kitchen to have a healthy dinner ready in no time!

Coronavirus—Supporting Parents

Coronavirus—Supporting Parents
  • Learn how to work from home.
  • Homeschool the kids.
  • Keep the toddler busy.
  • Track down toilet paper, milk, soap, meat, and other basics.
  • Boost immune system.
  • Clean the house.
  • Pay the bills.

Sound familiar?

Millions of parents are adjusting to a new normal. 

Our New Favorite List App: Things

Our New Favorite List App: Things

When Things was released as one of the original iPhone apps in 2008 it quickly became a favorite among users—winning an Apple Design Award the following year. After 12 years, several updates, and another Apple Design Award in 2017, it’s our new favorite list app. Here’s why:

Wicked Reports

Wicked Reports


WARNING: Half Your Marketing Is Wasted.  Do You Know Which Half?  We Do.

We automatically pull data from your ad networks. We then apply over 10,000 lines of database logic to track sales revenue to specific clicks, ads, audiences, campaigns and emails (we’re the only ones who do this!).

We then translate all this data into easy to use marketing reports so you can make data-driven decisions about your business and make more money!

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Getting Fit in the Spring

Getting Fit in the Spring

Winter is coming to an end. There’s a hint of a warm breeze and wait! Is that a crocus poking through the winter grass? Spring is finally here.  

You may be tempted to go full tilt at the first hint of a nice day, particularly if you’ve been cooped up all winter, but like a car engine your body needs to warm up first.